Underage teenager sold illegal vape in joint sting operation

A 15-year-old was sold a disposable vape pen as part of an operation by Southend-on-Sea Trading Standards and Essex Police which saw more illegal disposable vapes and cigarettes seized.

Around 200 non-compliant disposable vape pens were seized during the last week of June, taking the total removed from sale to over 3,000 in the first six months of 2023, just in Southend.

They also seized nearly 5,000 illegal cigarettes and quantities of illegal hand rolling tobacco.

All the business owners concerned will face appropriate legal action, which could be a fine or prosecution.

Southend Youth Councillors have been helping the teams during June, visiting a dozen shops to test if they will sell to underage teenagers.

Cllr John Lamb, cabinet member for regulatory services, said: “Our Trading Standards team have been told about irresponsible shop staff allowing children as young as 12 years old to buy disposable vape pens from their shops.

“I am very proud of our youth council for volunteering to help with these operations, as it is so important for the protection of their peers.

“Selling vaping products does not require a licence, so are able to be sold from any type of shop, providing the items for sale are compliant with UK legislation.”

Trading Standards have been engaging with local business owners to make them aware of the legal requirements of vaping products and some have removed many non-compliant items from sale.

However, so far this year, six businesses have been stopped from trading in Southend by Trading Standards for being persistently ignorant of the law in selling illegal tobacco and vaping products.

Cllr James Courtenay, cabinet member for community safety, said: “Children are seemingly viewing these products as cool lifestyle accessories and the manufacturers have responded by creating flavours such as ‘gummy bear’ and ‘skittles’, enhancing their appeal even more to children.

“I would urge residents to report any suspicious activity and for parents to pay close attention to their children's behaviour. Some disposable pens contain more than ten times the legally permitted dosage of nicotine. Even one sale cannot be tolerated, and Trading Standards remain vigilant to the ongoing dangers of a child using these products.”

If you see something that concerns you relating to the sale of illegal tobacco, non-compliant disposable vapes or underage sales, please report it to Trading Standards via the Citizens Advice Consumer Service (CACS). They can be contacted either by calling their helpline on 0808 223 1133 or by visiting their website.

Photos can be found on our Flickr site.

Published: 11th July 2023

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