Children’s services have ‘significantly improved’ says latest Ofsted report

A report into the findings of a recent Ofsted inspection of children’s services at Southend-on-Sea City Council has found significant improvements across all the areas inspectors looked at.

2 young boys wearing backpacks high fiving a women having just opened a door.

The visit took place on 23 May 2023 and was focused on the arrangements for children in need and those who are subject to a protection plan.

It found that leaders have spent time creating a working environment where social workers can develop and build strong and trusting relationships with children, and the views of partner agencies are regularly included in assessments.

Most children are seen regularly, depending on the level of support they need and are safer because of it. Social workers know their children well and the trust in the relationships helps with the assessment of risk and allows for appropriate safety plans.

There has also been integration of fathers in the assessment and intervention processes, which is positive for some children, with fathers supported in the caring role, as well as multi-agency involvement which helps to support risk assessment across all areas of the child's life.

The report did identify some areas for improvement, such as the timeliness and specifics of plans, the response to some children living in certain situations such as neglect and domestic abuse, and support for children placed with family or friends due to safeguarding concerns.

Cllr Helen Boyd, cabinet member for children and learning, said: “It is heartening to see that the children in need of protection are getting the trust and stability they need from our social care team, who are doing everything they can to put the children at the heart of their decision making.

“The report reflects the hard work which has been taking place within social care, so staff feel a sense of ‘belonging’. The team is made up of strong, skilful and committed managers and social care practitioners who are delivering a good standard of support and care, and the report reflects this noting how “social work practice is developing and beginning to flourish”, with an approach to learning and development that is bespoke to each individual.

“We have to remember these children need our protection and support and we must do everything we can to help them feel safe. There are lots of positives in this report and we need to use it as the springboard from which we can propel ourselves on to a ‘good’ rating. We're on the right path.”

You can read the report in full on the Ofsted website.

Published: 29th June 2023

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