70th anniversary of 1953 floods - what we learnt from the tragedy

It is 70 years since a North Sea tidal surge caused flood damage in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands and Southend-on-Sea City Council is reflecting on what the tragedy taught us.

An old image of Peter Pans theme park underwater.

When the incident happened on the evening of 31 January 1953, there was no emergency planning in place, no warning system, and as a direct result a total of 2,551 people lost their lives across Europe, with 58 of those on nearby Canvey Island.

Following widespread criticism of the lack of warning, many flood defences were implemented in the UK, including the Thames Barrier. And as technology has improved through the decades, so have the defences put in place.

As Lead Local Flood Authority and Coastal Protection Authority to fulfil these obligations, there are a number of strategies the council follows.

Cllr Carole Mulroney, cabinet member for culture, tourism and environment, said: “While 70 years is a whole lifetime ago, the lessons learnt from the tragedy are seen in our preparations today. We have zero control over the weather, but if another tidal surge happens, at least we will know we’re as prepared as we can be.”

Many of the council’s flooding schemes are part of the City’s greater resilience planning to plan for, respond to and recover from emergencies, such as flooding. The council’s emergency resilience team works closely with Essex Police, Essex County Fire and Rescue, the NHS, the RNLI, the army, and charity organisations to coordinate efforts and provide a joined-up approach to protect, rescue and recover, from such incidents. This coordination was not in place in 1953.

Cllr Stephen George, leader of the council, said: “While it isn’t good to always be predicting the worst-case scenario, planning for it means that we are always prepared. Thanks to the partnership work carried out by our resilience team, our plans are joined up with all other emergency services and charity organisations, so everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.

“A perfect recent example of this was the coronavirus pandemic, and how a variety of organisations with different resources and expertise, were able to help the community in many ways, for the benefit of all. I hope, that should the worst ever happen again, we will respond quickly and more efficiently, but with the same community spirit as in 1953.”

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: “Since the devastating flooding that happened on the East Coast in 1953, flood forecasts and warnings have since been introduced. In 2013, flood warnings were given 12 hours in advance of the surge tide peaks enabling those affected to take appropriate courses of action. As a country we are much better prepared than in 1953.

“Much of our investment in flood prevention has been focused on areas where there was major loss of life. Over £400million has been spent on work to protect the coast and tidal waters of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex since 2005.”

To find out more about the council’s flood schemes, please visit our Flooding pages.

Coastal Partnership East have put together a video about the 1953 and 2013 floods, with first-hand accounts. Visit their website to watch it.

Published: 30th January 2023

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