Leader's blog - 16 December 2022

Cllr Stephen George, leader of Southend-on-Sea City Council discusses the challenging financial times ahead for the council and its residents.

Cllr Stephen George, leader of the council sat in a chair with our coat of arms behind him.

It’s no secret that the rising cost of living is having a detrimental impact on most individuals, families, businesses and organisations in the country. And we’ve made no bones about the fact that the council will have to make some very tough decisions as we prepare to announce the upcoming draft budget for 2023/24.

I will say from the outset that as a cabinet, our priority is to protect as best we can the services that provide valuable support and help to protect our most vulnerable residents. It may not be well known, but the majority of council tax (well over 60%) gets spent on social care services, but there has been an unprecedented increase in demand for such services, so we need to make sure those residents are getting the care and support they need.

But we aren’t blind to the fact that key services, such as waste and recycling services, highways maintenance, and investment in our key local attractions, such as the Pier, city centre and seafront are also of great importance to residents and the future of our City.

As you can see it’s a tricky line to tread, but I think the draft budget will get the balance right as best we can and under the challenging circumstances we face. And although there might be last minute tweaks as Central Government confirm details and confirm other funding streams, we must set a balanced budget that will stand us in good stead for the coming year and beyond.

We also realise that sometimes there is a need to spend money upfront in order to make or save money. We must generate income in order to invest it in the areas and services that matter to residents. So while there is bound to be criticism of the decisions we take, we want local people to understand that sometimes in order for project or service A to be paid for, you have to sacrifice project or service B or C. There isn’t endless money; much like every household across our City, we are managing our budget, and we are doing the best with what we have.

And just a reminder that if you need a little bit of extra support now, because of the cost-of-living crisis, you can find a wealth of information on our cost of living pages.

Thankfully, it hasn’t been all about the budget recently. The Mayor’s Carol service on Monday was a wonderfully festive event, full of Christmas cheer. As the Toy Drive draws to a close, I’d like to say thank you to every single person who has so generously donated a gift to a child or young person who was unlikely to have received anything without your help.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning as we approach Christmas that there will be changes to council services over the festive period. Information about amended opening times and services available can be found on our Christmas section

Thank you and have a lovely weekend.

Published: 16th December 2022

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