Cabinet member writes to Integrated Care System following Dispatches programme

The Council’s cabinet member for adult social care and health has written to Anthony McKeever, chief executive of the Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board after a Channel 4 Dispatches programme.

Headshot photograph of Councillor Kay Mitchell

At People scrutiny committee on Tuesday 11 October, Cllr Kay Mitchell confirmed that a letter had been sent and said: “I wanted to make members aware of the actions I have taken due to concerns about mental health services provided by EPUT.

“Some of you may have seen Channel 4’s Dispatches programme or read recent articles in the press.

“As members will be aware the Integrated Care System (MSE ICS) commission mental health services for Southend residents from EPUT and therefore in my capacity as portfolio holder, and as chair of the health and wellbeing board, I have written to their Chief Executive. In that letter I have asked for a formal response outlining the identified risks, the assurance processes the organisation has put in place and details of the actions should quality of care not improve.

“I am sure we will all agree that the safety and care of patients should always be the highest priority and I hope you will agree that the steps I have taken so far it will enable the NHS to provide us with assurance that they are addressing issues for Southend residents. I will keep members of this scrutiny committee updated as and when appropriate.”

Published: 18th October 2022

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