Can you provide activities and healthy food sessions to children and young people over the holidays?

Charities, schools, and local businesses are being asked to come forward to provide school holiday sessions for children and young people in Southend-on-Sea.

Collage of children being active and creative

The Holiday, Activities and Food programme (HAF) is funded by the Department of Education and has been backed by funding for the next three years. Southend-on-Sea City Council is looking for local providers to run the sessions, and create a tailor-made programme, which includes a wide range of fun and engaging activities, alongside healthy meals.

You will provide sessions to school-aged children from reception to year 11 who receive benefits related free school meals. Our next HAF programme will be Winter HAF, this will take place over the festive period between Wednesday 21 December and Friday 30 December 2022.

Cllr Laurie Burton, cabinet member for children and learning said: “We understand that the school holidays can bring additional difficulties to families, and we have opportunity to provide those eligible families with extra support during this time.

“Once again, we are looking for local providers to give the children and young people access to fun and active activities along with healthy meals over the school holidays.

“I hope that our community providers, schools and charities will get involved in order to increase diversity of the activities and be part of this great programme for Southend-on-Sea.”

There are several ways local businesses, schools and charities can get involved, from delivering the session to providing the venue. If you would like to know more about our HAF programme, please email:

If you want to submit a tender to be an approved HAF Provider in Southend-on-Sea follow this link:

If you would like to speak to the procurement team about the procurement process, please email:

Published: 6th October 2022

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