Leader’s blog - 30 September 2022

This week Southend-on-Sea City Council leader Stephen George reflects on the national economic challenge and priorities for the City of Southend.

Cllr Stephen George, leader of the council sat in a chair with our coat of arms behind him.

Earlier this week I was at the Labour Party Conference, for the first time in ten years.

Some of the conference, especially amongst the delegates, was spent discussing the Government’s newly introduced fiscal policies aimed at tackling the current financial difficulties with the rise in the cost of living and increases in energy and fuel prices.

In Southend we’ve also been looking at what we can do to tackle the cost-of-living crisis and have launched a local campaign to promote the advice and support out there for people. Visit our page for more information.

At last night’s cabinet meeting, we discussed reports on this issue and how the council is tackling its financial challenges head on, before they become more serious. As is happening across the country, we are looking at cost savings within the council, as well as the services we provide. We need to make sure we’re getting value for money with taxpayer’s money and prioritising our most vulnerable. It is not an easy task, with demands and increased pressures in several areas, coupled with reduced funding and rising costs.

While discussing the national and local picture, I haven’t forgotten those on the frontline of these financial challenges - our residents and businesses. I would urge anyone struggling, to reach out for help. Please don’t suffer in silence. There are many different routes and organisations which can help ease the pressure and sometimes, it just helps to share those worries with others. Plans are being developed and you can also speak with council officers, or organisations like the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, who can signpost where to go. Please visit our cost of living page too.

As a community Southend-on-Sea proved during the pandemic that we are good at supporting and caring for one another. We need to find that resilience again now as we face the winter months and the current financial challenges. We’re all affected so please, remember to be kind. You don’t always know what hardships someone’s smile is masking.

Have a good weekend.

Published: 30th September 2022

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