Stay up to date with the latest council news by signing up to E-newsletters

We're reminding residents, businesses, community groups and more that you can stay up to date on a whole host of our services by signing up to the wide-ranging newsletters available on our website.

A man wearing a striped shirt. he is sitting down and has a mobile phone in his hand.

From active travel to recycling and waste. From community safety to parking and highways. From general updates to fostering or planning, the council provides a free newsletter service for anybody to sign up to. To sign up is simple, just go to Newly launched E-newsletters include Operation Heatwave, SEND and Southend Libraries.

Any topic you sign up for means you will be added to the mailing list to receive regular updates on those specific services via email. There is no limit to the amount of topics you can register for, and if you ever want to cancel a subscription, it is quick and easy to do so.

Cllr Stephen George, leader of the council, said: “We launched our E-newsletters back in 2020 to give local people, businesses and even visitors to the City the opportunity to stay up to date on the services which matter most to them. To date, we have over 103,000 subscribers to the various newsletters available.

“The newsletters are full of useful information from the teams involved in the services, and we are always looking to expand the number of topics available, with a number of new newsletters available now. Your email addresses are never shared, so you can have peace of mind that you won’t start receiving information that you haven’t signed up for.”

Published: 25th August 2022

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