Carers First Launch Pocket Guide in Southend-on-Sea

A new pocket guide has been developed by Carers First as part of a new campaign to support ‘unpaid carers’, particularly those caring for friends or relatives coming home from a stay in hospital.

A man caring for an elderly woman. photo by Mike Abrahams Carers First.

The hospital discharge pocket guide was created in consultation with residents in Southend-on-Sea who already identify as unpaid carers. The carers involved with the creation of the guide have direct experience of supporting a friend or family member through the discharge process, ensuring that the guide contains everything a person needs to prepare a person they care for to return home safely and comfortably.

Pearl, aged 79, who cares for her husband said “It was great to help develop this booklet as someone who has recent experience of the discharge process. It contains a wealth of information which will be invaluable to the carer, who will be feeling exhausted, helpless and very lonely.”

The campaign aims to help these unpaid carers by guiding them through the discharge journey from hospital to home. The discharge process is explained with an easy-to-understand flow chart and prompts the carer to think about what they will need to know in advance and how to prepare.
The guide puts forward a helpful list of questions that a carer might need the answers for and explains the differences between a discharge assessment and a carer’s assessment, helping carers to understand the assessment process and what it means to both the person they care for and themselves. There is also information on other support services available for both the carer and the person they are caring for to seek out advice and find practical and financial support for both the short and long-term.

The pocket guide will be available in print and to download from the Carers First website:

People looking after friends or family who have been discharged from hospital are encouraged to register as a carer with Carers First to access further support to help them adapt and manage well.

Published: 21st March 2022

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