Refresh your business with shop front improvement grants

We are reminding new and existing local businesses of two grants that are available to revitalise shop fronts and bring empty units back into use.

newly refurbished front of Mangetout restaurant.

The two grants are available for businesses based in Southend-on-Sea High Street, Southchurch Road, Hamlet Court Road and Southend seafront (between Pier Hill and Burdett Road) and offer existing and potential owners the opportunity to revitalise their shopfront or to carry out improvement works which help to bring an empty unit back into use.

With footfall steadily increasing on the High Street and works underway to bring empty units back into use, the council is looking to drive this positive momentum in the town centre with two grants using funding secured from the Government’s Local Growth Fund.

The shop front grant scheme looks to work with businesses to improve their kerb appeal by revitalising their shop front and signage. Grants of up to £7,500 are available and will cover up to 75% of the project’s costs, with the remaining 25% being funded by the business.

Possible works that the grant covers can include:

  • New shop front units
  • Repairs of a shop front fixture that is visible from the street including the first and second floors of premises
  • Repainting of shop fronts in suitable colours
  • Improved signage
  • External lighting

The vacant unit renovation grant provides grants of up to £10,000 to help bring empty shop units back into use. The grants will cover up to 80% of project costs with businesses being asked to contribute the remaining 20%.

The grants are available to owners of independent businesses and vacant units located within central Southend-on-Sea, providing the business does not have more than five stores nationally. The map on this website details the areas eligible for the scheme, which includes the High Street and surrounding streets.

Emma Cooney, Director of Regeneration and Growth, said: “We are all acutely aware of the challenges facing high streets up and down the country. Southend-on-Sea faces similar issues and whilst we cannot control all of these, we can support our city centre businesses by providing financial support where possible, and I am pleased that our work to source external funding enables us to provide these grant schemes.

“Some businesses have already benefitted from the grants, and we want as many businesses as possible to reap the benefits of this fantastic offering. Our shopping districts are recovering from the unprecedented challenges that the pandemic threw our way, and these schemes will enable businesses to refresh and rejuvenate their shops.

“As we continue to invest heavily in the High Street with projects such as our recent purchase of the Victoria shopping centre and works at Victoria Circus and London Road, we hope that co-investing with businesses via grants of up to £10,000 can make our soon to be city centre a more inviting place to visit, spend and enjoy, whilst supporting local independent businesses too.”

Christian Brodie, South East LEP Chair, said: “We are really pleased to be able to provide support to these schemes. As the economy opens up this year, our high streets need our support more than ever and it is very encouraging to see the schemes which are particularly aimed at small businesses, as they are so important to the economy of the South East.

“We have innovative, driven, resilient business people in the South East, we are using funds available to us to tackle issues that have developed as a result of the pandemic and we want to offer as much help and support as we can to clear a path for recovery.”

The shop front grant scheme will not be able to fund works that have already begun or works which started prior to a formal offer of grant being made and grants are made at the discretion of the grants board.

The shop front grant is part of a major investment into Southend town centre which also includes the 7m London Road and Victoria Gateway improvement works, spanning along London Road, from College Way right through to Victoria Circus, including planting new trees, repaving the area, improving lighting, introducing new seating and adding more greenery, known as Southend Central Area Transport Scheme (S-CATS).

For more information about the shop front grant scheme, including where to find the application form, please visit

Published: 10th February 2022

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