Sign up to Green Love Southend and work together to help create a better, greener Southend

This Valentine’s Day (14 February) sees the start of a two week push to get local businesses, schools and charities working together to address climate change.

View of Chalkwell park gardens, blue sky and green grasses. Trees in the skyline.

Green Love Southend runs between 14 to 27 February and aims to sign up as many businesses, schools and charities as possible to work together and accelerate Southend’s drive to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Green Love Southend is supported by two projects: REMeDY (Revolution in Energy Market Design), a part-government funded project led by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council with a consortium of partners working to bring affordable low carbon heating to residents and businesses in Southend, and PlastiCity, an EU-wide programme to encourage circular economy and re-use of plastic waste.

The following benefits will be available to those who sign up:

  • Cut costs – Join a workshop with energy and waste experts
  • Boost your reputation – Show you’re committed to a better, greener Southend
  • Get promoted - Join today to be featured on the Green Love Southend map
  • Assessment - by joining, you’ll also be eligible to win a low carbon building energy assessment

Jo Gay, head of climate change at Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, said: “The support on offer to those who sign up includes advice on energy savings and low carbon solutions, waste reduction and management information and the opportunity to join in with other businesses and organisations to promote the great work already taking place in Southend. There is also the opportunity to share future plans that will help accelerate Southend’s drive to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. This is just the beginning, and we know no one can tackle such a big challenge alone.”

The scheme is also accessible for residents who can sign up to become Net Zero Superheroes and pledge just 10 minutes a week until 20 March to make a difference.

By signing up residents will get the support and guidance on simple actions that make a big impact on their lives and Southend.

Whether you want to take care of your family, bring your community together or get support with your finances, there are countless ways that you can get involved and have your say.

Cllr Carole Mulroney, cabinet member for environment, culture, tourism, and planning, said: “The recent Ofgem announcement on the 54% rise in the price cap for energy means Southend residents and businesses will be very concerned about the huge cost increase in their energy bills.

“I want to assure residents and businesses that the council will support them through this and promote supportive initiatives such as Green Love Southend as well as national and regional energy schemes that will help lower fuel costs and improve the energy efficiency of homes and businesses to ensure the people of Southend stay warm this winter.”

Visit our website for general advice on how to save on energy and water costs whilst still reducing your carbon footprint.

Published: 9th February 2022

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