Council celebrates carbon reduction success across 20 primary schools

We are celebrating the successful completion of an energy efficiency project that saw 20 primary schools across the Borough reduce their energy use.

Artist Louis Masai painting a mural of a fish at Chalkwell Hall Infants School.

2imprezs is an EU funded project through the Interreg North Sea Region programme, and it came to an official close last month. 2imprezs brought together partners across the UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and Denmark to help schools deliver a 30% reduction in carbon emissions, with 15% through changes in behaviour and 15% through future installation of technologies such as LED lighting and solar panels.

The Council used the 2imprezs funding to work with the Young People’s Trust for the Environment (YPTE), developing the Energy Challenges UK school programme.

Schools were able to encourage and educate pupils on how small behavioural changes can make a big impact to lowering carbon emissions both within and outside schools, helping to drive climate adaptation on a community level.

Energy savings were achieved through this programme as students took steps to reduce their energy use, for example, by ensuring all lights and computer screens were turned off when not in use.

Chalkwell Hall Infants School won a mural designed and painted by Louis Masai, due to their contributions to the project which aims to raise awareness of today’s environmental issues. YPTE has now further developed Energy Challenges UK and rolled out its behaviour change programme for primary schools across the UK under the new name of Better Planet Schools.

Cllr Carole Mulroney, cabinet member for environment, culture, tourism and planning, said: “Our work with primary schools has seen an impressive reduction in carbon emissions amongst participating schools across the borough, with several exceeding the 30% target.

“The Climate Change Commission recently noted that 62% of emissions reductions will require some form of behaviour change, and the successes we have seen working with primary schools across the Borough is so encouraging because our future is in the hands of these young people and collectively, we can all help create a greener future.”

Visit our climate change page for hints and tips on how you can combat climate change and save energy.

Published: 21st December 2021

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