Safety trial at school to complement School Streets success

A trial to improve safety and protect children outside a local nursery and primary school is being launched.

School Street barrier and sign

The trial - which will see two new CCTV cameras installed at Richmond Avenue Primary School to stop vehicles from parking dangerously (and manage compliance) - has been welcomed by the school.

It will be monitored during the start and finishing times for the school (8am - 9:30am and 2:30pm - 4:30pm). Any vehicles found to be parked illegally or dangerously will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) through the post.

Miss Kate Moneypenny, headteacher for Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery School, said: “I would like to thank the council in their efforts to help improve road safety around the school. I’m really pleased that we’ve been able to work with the council and for their support in helping keep the children and families of Richmond Avenue Primary and Nursery School safe.”

The aim of the trial is to provide additional safety measures for children entering and leaving school. Cars parked illegally could impede the vision of someone looking to cross the road, especially during school times when the road is very busy with cars and pedestrians.

The trial is part of the School Streets scheme, which was launched by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council last year. Not every school in the Borough is appropriate for road closures, and so the CCTV camera project is being trialled here to monitor the impact on dangerous and illegal parking outside of our schools.

Cllr Ron Woodley, cabinet member for transport, asset management and inward investment, welcomed the trial. He said: “Keeping children safe is our utmost priority here. Our pioneering School Streets campaign has proven to be incredibly popular with schools, pupils, parents, staff and residents. However, not every school is in a location suitable for School Streets, so we are trialling a slightly different approach in the hope it will improve the safety of school children from people parking recklessly.

“I am delighted that Richmond Avenue Primary School are on board with the trial, and we will work closely with them over the next few months to ensure the trial project is having the desired effect. If successful, we may look to implement the scheme elsewhere, but it is important we review the trial fully before committing to any further decisions.”

This initiative is being funded through the Department for Transport (DfT) Emergency Active Travel Funding.

Published: 17th December 2021

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