All applications to us must be submitted on the relevant 1APP forms. We encourage you to submit your application online using the Planning Portal. The following consents can be applied for online (see consent types section on the Planning Portal website for more detail):
- householder planning consent
- full planning consent;
- outline planning consent
- reserved matters
- listed building consent
- advertisement consent
- Lawful Development Certificate (LDC)
- prior notification
- removal/variation of conditions
- approval of conditions
- consent under Tree Preservation Orders
- notification of proposed works to trees in conservation areas
- application for non-material amendments
You need to make sure that you submit all of the correct supporting documents when you complete your planning application. Please ensure you have checked the local list of planning validation requirements before submitting any planning application.
Submit an application online via the Planning Portal.
If you do wish to submit your application as a hard copy, forms can be downloaded from the Planning Portal or, in some instances, this website. Hard copy applications can be submitted either by hand/post/email to
Consent types not available through the Planning Portal online system
The Planning Portal online system does not support 'hybrid' applications, view further information about hybrid applications below.
The following consent types are currently not available for online submission via the Planning Portal, although you can download the relevant forms plus details of fees:
- application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Works to a listed building
- planning application for development relating to the onshore extraction of oil and gas
- notification for Prior Approval of a Proposed Larger Home Extension
- notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use of a building from Office Use (Class B1(a)) to a Dwellinghouse (Class C3)
- notification for Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3), and for Associated Operational Development
- notification for Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of a building from a Retail (Use Class A1 or A2) Use or a Mixed Retail and Residential Use to a use falling within Use Class C3 (Dwellinghouse), and for Associated Operational Development
- notification for Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use to State-Funded School or Registered Nursery
- notification for Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a State-Funded School or Registered Nursery
- notification for Prior Approval of Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Building to a flexible use within Shops, Financial and Professional services, Restaurants and Cafes, Business, Storage or Distribution, Hotels, or Assembly or Leisure
- notification for Prior Approval for a Change Of Use from Storage or Distribution Buildings (Class B8) and any land within its curtilage to Dwellinghouses (Class C3)
- notification for Prior Approval for a Change of Use from Amusement Arcades/Centres and Casinos, (Sui Generis Uses) and any land within its curtilage to Dwellinghouses (Class C3)
- notification for Prior Approval for a Change of Use from Shops (Class A1), Financial and Professional Services (Class A2), Betting Offices, Pay Day Loan Shops and Casinos (Sui Generis Uses) to Restaurants and Cafés (Class A3)
- notification for Prior Approval for a Change of Use from Shops (Class A1) and Financial and Professional Services (Class A2), Betting Offices, Pay Day Loan Shops (Sui Generis Uses) to Assembly and Leisure Uses (Class D2)
- notification for Prior Approval for a Development Consisting of the Erection or Construction of a Collection Facility within the Curtilage of a Shop
- notification for Prior Approval for the Temporary Use of Buildings or Land for the Purpose of Commercial Film-Making and the Associated Temporary Structures, Works, Plant or Machinery required in Connection with that Use
- notification for Prior Approval for the Installation, Alteration or Replacement of other Solar Photovoltaics (PV) equipment on the Roofs of Non-domestic Buildings, up to a Capacity of 1 Megawatt
- prior Approval for development consisting of the provision of temporary school buildings on vacant commercial land and the use of that land as a state-funded school for up to 3 academic years
- notification for Prior Approval for a Change of Use from Premises in Light Industrial Use (Class B1(c)) and any land within its curtilage to Dwellinghouses (Class C3)
Application types not currently available on the Planning Portal
If you wish to apply for the following, please act in accordance with the details set out below:
- contact the planning team to apply for planning permission for mineral extraction or associated development
- hazardous substances consent is required for the presence on any site of hazardous substances at or above controlled quantities. See the National Planning Practice Guidance for further details on hazardous substances consent
Further details about hybrid applications
Please note: You cannot currently make hybrid applications through the Planning Portal online system.
A local planning authority may accept a 'hybrid' application; that is, one that seeks outline planning permission for one part and full planning permission for another part of the same site.
The fee for each part would have to be calculated separately on the appropriate basis, subject to any relevant maximum, and the total (which would not be subject to any maximum) would then be chargeable.
Following a discussion an authority may also allow an application to be separated into core elements, so that permission for separate elements can be given priority, for example site preparation works.
Whether to accept a proposal in hybrid form is at the discretion of the local planning authority, not something on which an applicant may insist. Please note in the interest of good planning a local planning authority is empowered to require details even when the application is in outline. The term 'hybrid application' is not defined in statute.
It is recommended that you discuss your hybrid proposal with the relevant local planning authority prior to submitting an application. This will minimise the risk of the local planning authority refusing to register the hybrid application.
Public utilities
Where the development will involve the provision of gas, electricity, water or telephone services the developer should give notice of their proposal at the earliest practicable date to the undertakers responsible for the services needed. In the event of the proposed building being within 60m of any overhead transmission line the appropriate electricity authority should be notified.
Need help?
For further information in relation to any of these applications please contact the Planning team ( or 01702 215331 between 08:45 and 13:00 Monday to Friday). In addition, you should contact the Building Control team ( or 01702 215345) prior to carrying out any building works (including demolition) as separate permission may be required under building regulations.