Development Briefs and Corporate Guidance

Development Briefs, Competition Briefs and Concept Statements: Overview

The Council has produced a variety of development briefs, concept statements and framework documents for a number of sites and areas in the Borough where there is likely to be substantial public interest or significant redevelopment opportunities. These documents set out the constraints of the site and outline the kind of development the Council would support and encourage and they should be used to inform development proposals for these areas. These documents will be a material consideration for all planning application in these areas.

The current Development Briefs, Concept Statements and Framework Documents are:

Land at Fossetts Way - Informal Development Brief

This document sets out informal planning guidance for the redevelopment of approximately 5.8ha of vacant land at Fossetts Way in Southend-on-Sea. It recognises that there is long term development potential to provide a high quality, sustainable mixed-use residentially led scheme to provide new housing and supporting uses.

Reflective of the guidance in this brief, a restricted area release certificate has also been issued in relation to this land.

Former Prittlebrook Industrial Estate Development Brief 2014

This development sets out informal planning guidance for the redevelopment of the former Prittlebrook Industrial Estate. It is a joint development brief between the Council and the proposed Developer of the site and has been adopted as Council Policy.

The Leas Sun Shelter (The Horseshoe Shelter) Western Esplanade Development Brief

This document outlines the development potential of this locally listed shelter on Southend Seafront.

Garon Park Development Brief - 2011

Explains the vision for Garon Park and will help to ensure that future development will enhance the character of the site. (see item 688 cabinet 11th Jan 2011.

Progress Road Estate Framework - Design Brief 2009

This documents sets out a new vision for Progress Road which is ‘To promote well-connected, sustainable office and high-value added industrial employment opportunities at Progress Road within quality premises and environment.

North Road Concept Statement - 2005

This document covers the redevelopment of a large brownfield site near the town centre for a mixed use sustainable environment. (The redevelopment of this area is nearing completion)

Essex Magistrates Court Development Brief - 2004

This document relates to the renewal of the Crown, County and Magistrates Court.

Land at top of Pier Hill Development Brief - 2004

This document outlines a development opportunity for a commercial A3 use on a vacant site overlooking Southend Pier in the refurbished Pier Hill public open space.

Redevelopment of Heath and Carby House Development Brief - 2004

This document deals with the redevelopment of two redundant office blocks for residential (including key worker) and mixed use on the north side of the town centre.

Interim Affordable Housing Policy - September 2016

This represents the Corporate Policy position as of September 2016, and sets out the approach the Council will take until further notice in respect of affordable housing policy and financial contribution calculations. The position set out in this document will apply until such time that any amendments are made to adopted planning policies as part of the Local Plan review, which will be informed by any updates that are made to the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA).

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