Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Annual CIL Rate Summary 2025

As set out in paragraph 3.7 of Southend-on-Sea City Council’s CIL Charging Schedule (adopted July 2015), the CIL chargeable rate per square metre takes into account inflation[1]

The CIL charges updated as at 1 January 2025:

Development Type, 2015 Adopted CIL rate per square metre and Updated CIL rate per square metre from 1 January 2025
Development Type 2015 Adopted CIL rate per square metre Updated CIL rate per square metre from 1 January 2025
Residential (Class C3 and C4) - Zone 1 £20 £30.08
Residential (Class C3 and C4) - Zone 2 £30 £45.12
Residential (Class C3 and C4) - Zone 3 £60 £90.23
Extra care and retirement housing[2] £20 £30.08
Supermarkets and superstores[3] and retail warehousing[4] (net retailing space of over 280 square metres) £70 £105.27
Development by a predominantly publicly funded or 'not for profit’ organisation[5] (see definition) including medical and health services, social care, education, emergency services , waste facilities, community facilities, sport and leisure facilities only £0 £0
All other uses not cited above £10 £15.04

[1] This is to keep the levy rate responsive to market conditions. The September 2019 amendments to the CIL regulations set out that the index figure to be applied for a given calendar year should be the figure for 1st November for the preceding year in accordance with the RICS Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Index (which is based on the BCIS All-in Tender Price Index).”

[2] Definition of 'extra care and retirement housing’: Housing within Class C3 which is purpose built or converted for sale to elderly people with a package of estate management and care services as necessary and which consists of grouped, self-contained accommodation with communal facilities. These premises often have emergency alarm systems and/or wardens. These properties would not provide the same level of care as residential care homes (Class C2) where residents do not live in self-contained accommodation.

[3] Supermarkets/superstores are shopping destinations in their own rights where weekly food shopping needs are met and which can also include non-food floorspace as part of the overall mix of the unit.

[4] Retail warehouses are large stores specialising in the sale of household goods (such as carpets, furniture and electrical goods), DIY items and other ranges of goods, catering for mainly car-borne customers.

[5] Definition of 'not for profit organisation’: An organisation that does not earn profits for its owners but conducts business for the benefit of the general public; all the money earned by or donated to the organisation is used in pursuing the organisation’s objectives.

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