Animal health and animal movement

We are responsible for the control of farm animal diseases and the welfare of farm animals in transit within the city. This activity includes animal movements and the control of animal by-products.

If you keep sheep, cattle, pigs, goats, deer or camelids (even if it is only one animal) you must:

  1. Register as a keeper
  2. Identify your livestock and
  3. Notify if you want to move any of these animals

You can do this through the GOV.UK website.

There are rules that you must follow, depending on the country you are travelling to or coming from if you want to take your pet with you. Information about what you need to do can be found on GOV.UK.

We also have responsibility relating to the control of diseases which may be transmitted by animals:

Animal by-products

We also must make sure that businesses deal with waste which is classified as animal by-product.

For more information about animal health and animal movement please email

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