Walking or cycling to school

  • will save you money - walking or cycling to school instead of driving saves, on average, £400 per year
  • is educational - walking or cycling to school can help your child build independence, road safety skills and social skills. In a study by Living Streets, 84 per cent of the children who walked to school often meet up with classmates on the way to school
  • is healthy - children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. The journey to and from school is an ideal time for children to achieve part of this
  • is better for the environment - one person switching five journeys of fewer than 2 kilometres a week from the car to walking or cycling would reduce their carbon footprint by 86 kilogrammes a year.

Walking Bus

The Walking Bus has at least two parent volunteers who escort children to school along a set route, picking up more 'passengers' at 'bus stops' along the way. The route is reversed in the afternoon.

Powered by leg-work, the bus provides an ideal opportunity for regular daily exercise for all involved. The introduction of several 'bus routes' can help to cut car journeys to school, reduce congestion and pollution and improve road safety around the school area.

All volunteers are vetted by the school and will have enhanced DBS checks. We will check that the route is safe.

We are happy to provide information regarding setting up a Walking Bus route at your school. However, for the 'bus' to be successful, parents at need to be very committed to the idea as the success of the scheme is very reliant on reliable volunteers.


Cycling is a great way to get around, get some exercise, and reduce the amount of time spent stuck in a car.

Bikeability is cycle training for the 21st century and teaches the skills to make a journey by bicycle which helps reduce congestion and pollution especially around schools. Bikeability is delivered by accredited instructors and is the only government recognised cycle training scheme underpinned by the National Standards. For more information visit the Bikeability website.

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