School finance

Scheme for financing schools

This sets out the financial arrangements that all schools in the city and we at the council must follow.

Scheme for financing schools April 2023

Management of School Private Funds (Voluntary Funds)

This is all the money that is collected or spent in the name of the school, which does not form part of our accounts. This often includes money collected from:

  • school activities
  • donations
  • school organised fund-raising activities
  • locker-key deposits etc

These funds provide schools with an additional source of income and are often used to give students more educational and recreational facilities over what is already offered by us.

Section 251 (S251) statutory financial returns

These statements give a clear picture of our planned spending in education. They tell you:

  • how much we intend to spend on the Local Authority budget outside the schools budget
  • how much we intend to keep within the schools budget for school services
  • how we work out budget shares for each school maintained by us
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