Gender pay gap report


As an organisation with over 250 employees, we must report on the gender pay gap. This is part of the Equality Act 2010.

The report must be published on our website and on the relevant government website. In the public sector these annual reports will be in respect of employees pay as of March in any year. They must be published within a year of that particular month.

The figures which must be produced are:

  • the mean gender pay gap
  • the median gender pay gap
  • the percentage of female and male employees divided into quartiles. Each comprises a quarter of the staff in total and from a ranking of the lowest to the highest paid employees

This is all based on an hourly pay rate. That hourly pay rate includes allowances as well as basic pay. It does not include overtime.

There is also a requirement to make calculations on bonus payments. We do not have any bonus payment schemes for employees.

We are committed to the principle of equal pay for all employees.

Our employees are paid on a single scheme of grades and salary points.

There are some circumstances where this is not the case. These include:

  • protected conditions after being transferred from another organisation
  • certain education and youth worker posts
  • chief officers

These posts are subject to one of two job evaluation schemes adopted by the council and depend on the level of the post. Appointment and salary progression are in accordance with set processes and procedures based on best equal pay practice.

The purpose of gender pay gap reporting is to achieve greater gender equality across the UK and increase pay transparency. We support this aim.

The gender gap report

Southend-on-Sea City Council employees as at March 2023

Average pay gap

  • mean gender pay gap in hourly pay - 6.25%
  • median gender pay gap in hourly pay - 0.08%

Bonus payments

There are no bonus schemes for staff so there is no difference between female and male employees.

Pay quartiles

Quartile Female employees Male employees
Upper quartile Q1 62% 38%
Upper middle quartile Q2 75% 25%
Lower middle quartile Q3 71% 29%
Lower quartile Q4 67% 33%

Overall 69% of our workforce describe themselves as female.

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