Do I need planning permission?

You may need planning permission if you want to:

  • construct a new building
  • extend or alter an existing building
  • change the use of land or a building
  • carry out other works or operations.

To see if planning permission is needed please see the Planning Portal - do you need permission?

Please note: development carried out before formal permission has been granted is at your own risk and may be liable to enforcement action.


There are also different requirements if your property is a listed building. This is because Listed Building Consent is likely to be needed for any internal or external alterations for the property even if planning permission is not required.

Article 4 Directions

In some areas we have removed some of your permitted development rights by issuing an Article 4 Direction. This will mean that you have to submit a planning application for work which normally does not need one. Article 4 Directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened by such works.

You will probably know if your property is affected by such a direction, but if you are not sure the boundaries of the Article 4 Direction please see the conservation area pages.

Article 4 Directions are most common in conservation areas, but there is one area in the City that is subject to such a direction that is not in a conservation area - Undercliff Gardens. In this area some forms of permitted development rights have also been removed to protect the view from the public footpath.

You will also need to contact Building Control to check if approval is required under building regulations.

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