Open Data - The Local Government Transparency Code

We publish data to help you understand how we spend our money and how local services are delivered (as laid out in the Local Government Transparency Code 2014). Below you will find links to help you locate the data we currently publish under the Code. If you are not able to find what you are looking for here, try our Publication Scheme which includes a broader range of information.

Licence for use

All the information is published under the same terms as the UK Open Government Licence. It allows the information to be shared and reused for commercial purposes.

You can view all the details at the national archives website.

The Code sets out key principles for local authorities in creating greater transparency through the publication of public data. The Code does not replace or supersede the existing legal framework for access to public sector information provided by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004, the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 and INSPIRE Regulations 2009. Following the Code should help local authorities to meet these obligations to achieve the routine publication of more data to enhance accountability to the public

Greater transparency demonstrates how value for money has been achieved and where efficiencies have been made. Data published will not include personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

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