Helping people live a meaningful and quality life is really important. Through the new health and wellbeing strategy for Southend, the vision will be as follows:
- to support and enable the people of Southend to have the best possible physical and mental health, wellbeing, and quality of life
- to promote good healthcare, to enhance health and wellbeing for all ages
This will be achieved through the following priorities:
- health inequalities - improving health outcomes by addressing the wider determinants of health (education, housing, employment, and income)
- effective partnering - partnerships work in a coordinated way, to ensure system alignment and shared resources
- accessible services - ensure health services are designed to be as accessible as possible for users
- workforce development - skilled workforce to support the cities health and wellbeing needs
- spatial planning - to ensure that the places and spaces in Southend encourage activity in everyday life, making a healthy lifestyle as easy as possible
- information and digital resources - ensure all residents can access clear and consistent information and services
- coordinated communications - work with partners to increase awareness of health risks, raise awareness of local services and support and encourage people to take action to improve their health and wellbeing
For a copy of the strategy, please contact,