Freedom of Information Requests

If you can't find what you are looking for on this website or in our Publication Scheme you might want to make an information request under:

  • the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), or
  • Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)

If the information you want is about you (your personal data) you should instead make a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act (DPA). Find out how to request information about yourself.

If you are not sure which legislation applies to your request, we will work it out for you.

What can I request?

You can request any recorded information held by us. This includes:

  • electronic and paper records
  • photographs
  • recordings

We will provide you with advice and assistance if you need help to make, clarify or refine a request. Please contact if you need help.

The FOIA only requires us to disclose information that the Council holds (has on record). Officers are not required to provide information they have in their head (from their memory).

How to make a request

The Information Commissioner has provided top tips for making a clear request.

A Freedom of Information request can be made:

  • using our online form
  • to a council email address - to be sure we have oversight of all requests we have a dedicated central email which we would ask you to use
  • by post
  • via our social media accounts - we will ask you to supply an alternative contact method for our response

A Freedom of Information request cannot usually be taken verbally, including over the telephone. If, however, there are reasons why you would find it difficult to make a written request, such as a disability, we will make reasonable adjustments to our usual process.

You can make an Environmental Information Request in the same ways. You can also make an EIR verbally.

Your request should include:

  • your name and an address for correspondence (this can be an email address)
  • A description of the information you are requesting.

Clarifying a request

If we are not clear from your request what information you are looking for, we will contact you to ask for more information. Your request will be paused until a satisfactory reply is received. If no response is received after two months we will close your request.

Responding to your request

We will usually provide the information which has been requested. Not doing so will be the exception. If we have information but are not going to provide it, we will explain why.

Within 20 working days of receiving the request we will either:

  • supply the information requested; or
  • tell you we don’t have the information; or
  • advise you we are withholding the information.

In exceptional circumstances we may need to extend the timescale for answering your request. We will let you know if this happens and tell you why.

We regularly publish information about our performance.

Right of review

You can ask for a review of our response to your request if you are unhappy with it.

You should make your request for review within 40 working days of the response having been sent to you. We may not accept requests after this period.

We aim to carry out a review within 20 working days of receiving it.

Where there are reasons it may take longer, we will let you know and tell you why. The extended period will usually be no longer than an extra 20 working days.

When we reply we will explain that if you remain unhappy, you may ask the Information Commissioner to consider of whether we have met the requirements of the FOIA.

Charging for Information

Most information is provided free of charge. If not, we will let you know before we provide it so that you can choose if you still want it.

Where information is printed and posted, we may charge 10p per sheet for supplying the information (inclusive of postage). However, if the total cost is under £10, then the information will be provided free of charge. See our Charging Policy for full details.


The Freedom of Information Act gives you the right to access information. It does not give you the right to make any further use of that information without permission.

Some of the information we give you may be covered by our copyright. Some may be covered by other people's copyright. The information may only be used for your own personal use.

If you:

  • copy
  • publish
  • re-use

this information without express permission, you will be breaching copyright.

It is your responsibility to make sure that you do not re-use the information in a way which infringes copyright.

Open Government Licence

You may be able to re-use the information we provide under the terms of the Open Government Licence for public sector information. This is subject to conditions.

Our Performance

To improve our performance in response to Information Requests, we have published:

Freedom of Information Guide - What to expect when making a Freedom of Information request

For more detailed information please see our full guide.

Online forms - Freedom of Information requests

Useful websites - Freedom of Information Requests

Most popular downloads - Freedom of Information Requests

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