Essential Living Fund (ELF) Scheme Policy - Thurrock

How much to award

An ELF grant may be for a single item or expense or a number of items and expenses added together.

Decision makers should bear in mind that the scheme is cash limited. Paying more than the applicants needs would mean there is less funding for other high priority applications. The ELF grant's budgetary position may vary throughout the financial year. Decision makers must control and manage the ELF budget so that high priority needs are met first throughout the whole of the year and the allocation is not exhausted before year end.

Therefore irrelevant of what the applicant requests the decision maker is advised to:

  • use, as appropriate, the agreed suppliers for the provision of certain items and the price level set by them for the provision.
  • if not using the prescribed suppliers, use national high street chain retailers and/or national catalogue outlets that are available locally to determine the amount to be awarded when awarding for furniture and household equipment, clothing and footwear
  • with regard to travel costs use a reputable travel cost website to determine the best cost option
  • make the best use of the ELF grant funding by awarding the lowest prices where that will still meet the applicants needs
  • consider the additional cost of delivery and fitting charges for certain items of furniture and household equipment
  • remember that A-rated energy efficient goods, or more expensive, are not always appropriate because we are trying to help as many people as we can with limited funds

Where the applicant doesn't ask for enough to purchase the item requested the decision maker should consider awarding a higher amount that is appropriate.

For claims for 'general living expenses' there is no minimum award amount. However the decision maker should consider if the amount requested is very small:

  • would its absence cause serious damage of serious risk to the health and safety of the applicant or a member of their family and
  • is there no other means available to the applicant.

The maximum amount for a claim for 'general living expenses' of food and toiletries will be calculated using the basic range of a reputable supermarket sufficient for 2 weeks needs. This will be reviewed on a regular basis.

The decision maker should of course consider if a smaller payment than the maximum will meet the immediate need so as to prevent serious risk to the health, safety or well being of the applicant or a member of their family.

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