Filming in Southend-on-Sea

To film on our property and land you need to fill out an application form to get a permit and you must allow at least 10 working days for it to be processed.

Fees do not apply to individuals filming for their own personal use. Admin fees requested when submitting a filming application is non-refundable and is taken whether filming/photoshoot goes ahead or not. The admin fee is taken for processing the application and is not a licence fee.

If you have any parking requirements whilst filming please call our parking team on 01702 215003.

Filming fees and charges

Admin non refundable (payable by all except student film makers) - £39.60 inc VAT

Location fee

  • commercial - per hour or part thereof - £165.60 inc VAT
  • non commercial - per hour or part thereof - £79.20 inc VAT

Commercial filming

  • full day - £924.00 inc VAT
  • half day up to 4 hours - £528.00 inc VAT

Non commercial filming

  • full day - £276.00 inc VAT
  • half day up to 4 hours - £144.00 inc VAT


  • commercial photographic stills - £318.00 inc VAT
  • promotional photographic stills - £158.40 inc VAT
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