Our diverse community
- 181,800 residents in 74,700 households
- 92% are white (compared to 86% nationally)
- 16% non-white in Victoria Ward
- 3% non-white in West Leigh
- 130 languages spoken in schools
- 56% are Christian, 32% no faith, 2% Muslim
- 20% have a declared disability (compared with 17.5% nationally)
- 18% are over 65 (compared with 16.4% nationally)
Diversity monitoring
As part of our ongoing commitment to equality and diversity, we include diversity monitoring questions on questionnaires, recruitment forms and other paperwork. The different groups we ask information about reflect the nine ‘protected groups’ identified by the Equality Act 2010. These are:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Asking about these areas ensure we are engaging with all sections of the community.
Equality analysis
An equality analysis is a way of assessing the impact of decisions relating to policy, service function or restructure on residents, staff and customers, particularly those with protected characteristics.
We use equality analyses to help improve our services and make sure we do not discriminate any sections of our community as far as possible, minimise any negative consequences and maximise opportunities for promoting cohesion between local communities.
An equality analysis gives us the chance to identify any negative or adverse impacts and redesign our services to meet customer needs, making sure that different groups are equally represented. By understanding and meeting the needs of different people we can ensure transparent decision making and target resources more effectively.
When undertaking an equality analysis, we also consider:
- carers
- socioeconomic factors
- community cohesion
- intersectionality
We welcome feedback as an opportunity to change or improve. Please contact us with feedback or for further information.