Register to vote

Updating your details

Moving home (updating your address)

If you have moved home, you will need to update your details on the register of electors. The quickest and easiest way to register to vote is online.

Please remember to put your details of your old address so that your details are removed from your old property.

You can also update your details by calling us on 01702 215010.

You will need your National Insurance number.

If you have recently moved and have let council tax know, you will still need to make a new application to electoral services. Updating your details on council tax will not automatically update the electoral register.

Updating your name

You need to tell us your name has changed if you:

  • have got married
  • have got divorced
  • changed your name by deed poll

If you are already registered but have changed your name you can submit a new application to register.

Alternatively, please download a voter change of name form and return to us at Please include the full name under which you are currently registered, along with a copy of one of the documents listed, as evidence of the name change.

First column shows reason, then move across for document needed.
Reason Document needed
Married Marriage certificate
Divorced Decree nisi
General name change Deed poll
Misspelling Not applicable

You can also call us on 01702 215010.

Updating your nationality

If you have recently changed your nationality and need to update this on the electoral register, please complete a new application to register to vote online.

You can check the nationality we hold for you on the electoral register by emailing us at or by calling 01702 215010.

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