Southend-on-Sea City Council

Transactions download for expenditure transactions equal to or greater than �500 net of VAT.


Period start date: 01/06/2024

Period end date: 30/06/2024

Financial ledger system: Unit4 ERP 7.10

Data perimeter: Expenditure transactions for Southend-on-Sea City Council which include only non-personal data published in line with existing data access regulation under the Data Protection Act, the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulation.

Service categorisation: SeRCOP

Licence: Published under the Open Government Licence which can be found at 

Contact details: 

Southend-on-Sea City Council
Civic Centre
Victoria Avenue


01702 - 215000


Organisation Name
The name of the local authority publishing the data.

Organisation Code
Identifies the local authority to which the data relates. It is the ONS SNAC id format.

Identifies the area of the local authority responsible for the transaction.

Service Category Label
The SeRCOP decription of the section of the council incurring the expenditure.

Service Category Code
The SeRCOP code of the section of the council incurring the expenditure.

Supplier name
Name of the supplier as held on the the finance system.

Payment Date
The payment date of the transaction as held on the system.

Transaction number
Unique reference number identifying the transaction on the financial system.

Net Amount
The transaction amount net of VAT as held on the system.

Purpose of spend
Indicates what type of expenditure incurred

Procurement category name
The SeRCOP classification of the expenditure as held on the financial system.