Charitable House to House Collections - Licence directory


Please be advised that due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation there are Government restrictions in place and it is not known for how long these restrictions will remain. Please keep updated with the Government guidance and regulations at and ensure that you are complying with these on your collection date. Should the Government guidance and regulations at the time of your Charity Collection not allow it to be held, the permit will not override these regulations and your collection may be cancelled.

When submitting an application you should supply a written COVID secure risk assessment demonstrating how you will comply with the Government guidance.

Please email your risk assessment to

If you want to collect from premise to premise (including houses, pubs, shops etc.) you will need a House Collections licence.

You should give us as much notice as possible on your collection so we can allocate dates (some dates are booked a year in advance) and a minimum of 28 days is needed to process the paperwork.

More information

In July 2024, we moved to a new system for the digital forms hosted on our website. Whilst a form previously existed for this service, it is not currently available. We will be regularly implementing new forms so please check back regularly for updated information.

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