Charitable Collections - Licence directory


If you want to collect on the High Street or any other public street within the city, you will need a Street Collection permit. This includes sponsored walks if money is being collected along the route. There is no fee for a charity collection permit/licence.

If you need access for your vehicle to the pedestrian area of the High Street for the collection, an application form will be sent to you once the collection has been approved. All charity collection organisers must submit a Statement Form giving the details of their collection and will need to fill in an application form for vehicles to enter land belonging to us.

Please be aware, if you are collecting in aid of a charity where the funds are used directly to fund or part fund the activity concerned (e.g. where you pay to enter a marathon or expenses for a trip) then your application will not be considered eligible, as it does not meet the criteria set out in the Southend on Sea Street Collection Regulations (see attached Regulations in particular 15 (1) and 15 (2))

More information

To apply for a Charitable Collection Permit you must use our online form.

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