North Street - Car parking

Information about this car park

Address: North Street, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex

Post code: SS9 1QE

Parking Zone: Zone 2

Type of car park: Surface

Number of spaces available: 34

Number of accessible parking spaces available: 0

Pay and display machines: 1

Accept cash payment on machines: Yes

Pay by phone payment: Yes

Pay by phone provider: Mobon or RingGo parking app. (Note: Convenience fee and optional text message charges may apply).

Pay by phone location code: 602025

Electric car charging: No

Motor bike parking: No

Height restriction: No

Map of all of the Car Park locations in Southend.

Other information

For information on the parking charges and charging times for this car park, please visit our car park and on-street parking charges page.

For details relating to car park season tickets, please visit our season tickets page.

Part of the Safer Parking Scheme

Yes - Find out more information on the Park Mark website.

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