- Wards location
- Councillors details
- Map of the ward
- Population size and age structure
Age range St Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Age under 16 2,014 19.0 19.0 Age 16 to 24 882 8.3 9.2 Age 25 to 64 5,421 51.2 52.7 Age 65 to 84 1,981 18.7 16.4 Age 85 and over 280 2.6 2.8 All usual residents 10,578 Not applicable Not applicable Southend Total 180,700 Not applicable Not applicable Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Ethnicity
Types of Ethnicity in St. Laurence ward Ethnicity St Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British 9,073 85.7 81.6 White: Irish 60 0.6 0.9 White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 8 0.1 0.1 White: Roma 2 0.0 0.1 White: Other White 311 2.9 4.8 Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups 247 2.3 3.1 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Indian 239 2.3 1.6 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Pakistani 50 0.5 1.0 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Bangladeshi 59 0.6 0.9 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Chinese 68 0.6 0.6 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh: Other Asian 105 1.0 1.4 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African 183 1.7 2.0 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Caribbean 39 0.4 0.5 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: Other Black 21 0.2 0.4 Other Ethnic Group: Arab 19 0.2 0.2 Other Ethnic Group 97 0.9 0.9 Data sourced from The Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Religion
Types of religion in St. Laurence ward Religion St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Christian 4.432 41.9 42.6 No religion 5,003 47.3 44.9 Religion not stated 587 5.5 6.0 Muslim 210 2.0 3.0 Hindu 152 1.4 1.1 Sikh 26 0.2 0.1 Buddhist 74 0.7 0.5 Jewish 51 0.5 1.1 Other Religion 46 0.4 0.6 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Sexual orientation
Types of sexual orientation in St. Laurence ward Sexual orientation St Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Straight or heterosexual 7,820 91.3 89.8 Gay or lesbian 95 1.1 1.6 Bisexual 79 0.9 1.3 Other sexual orientation 14 0.2 0.3 Not answered 557 6.5 7.0 Data sourced from The Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Gender identity
Types of gender identity in St. Laurence ward Gender indentity St Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Gender identity the same as sex registered at birth 8,085 94.4 94.1 Gender identity different from sex registered at birth but no specific identity given 12 0.1 0.2 Trans woman 6 0.1 0.1 Trans man 9 0.1 0.1 All other gender identities 2 0.0 0.1 Not answered 450 5.3 5.4 Data sourced from The Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Health
Health levels of residents in St. Laurence ward Health level St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Very good health 4,757 45.0 46.2 Good health 3,739 35.3 34.8 Fair Health 1,456 13.8 13.4 Bad Health 492 4.6 4.3 Very Bad Health 137 1.3 1.3 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Carers
Carers hours provided in St. Laurence ward Carers hours St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend Percentage Provides no unpaid care 9,041 90.6 91.2 Provides 1 to 19 hours unpaid care a week 430 4.3 4.3 Provides 20 to 49 hours unpaid care a week 189 1.9 1.8 Provides 50 or more hours unpaid care a week 315 3.2 2.7 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Living arrangements
Types of living arrangement in St. Laurence ward Living arrangement St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage One person household: Aged 66 and over 729 16.3 13.9 One person household: Other 571 12.7 19.4 One Family All aged 66 and over 466 10.4 8.6 Married or same-sex civil partnership couple: Dependent children 641 14.3 13.5 Married or same-sex civil partnership couple: No dependent children 733 16.4 14.3 Cohabiting Couple: Dependent children 254 5.7 5.1 Cohabiting Couple: No dependent children 313 7.0 7.2 Lone parent: Dependent children 278 6.2 7.5 Lone parent: All children non-dependent 225 5.0 4.5 Other household types: With dependent children 118 2.6 2.2 Other one family household: Other family composition 2 0.5 0.6 Other household types: Including all full-time students and all aged 66 years and over 129 2.9 3.2 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Accommodation details
Types of accommodation in St. Laurence ward Accommodation St Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Whole house or bungalow: Detached 766 17.1 15.8 Whole house or bungalow: Semi-detached 2,337 52.2 31.0 Whole house or bungalow: Terraced (including end-terrace) 705 15.7 17.0 Flat: Purpose built block of flats or tenement 587 13.1 20.4 Flat: Part of a converted or shared house (including bed sits) 59 1.3 13.1 Flat: Part of another converted building 7 0.2 0.9 Flat: In a commercial building 19 0.4 1.8 Caravan or other mobile or temporary structure 0 0.0 0.1 All dwellings 4,480 Not applicable Not applicable All dwellings (Southend) 78,353 Not applicable Not applicable Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Tenure
Types of Tenure in St. Laurence ward Tenure St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Owned: Owned Outright 1,676 37.4 31.6 Owned: Owned with a mortgage or loan 1,502 33.5 29.7 Shared ownership (part owned and part rented) 39 0.9 0.6 Social rented: Rented from council (Local Authority) 438 9.8 6.1 Social rented: Other 167 3.7 5.4 Private rented: Private landlord or letting agency 579 12.9 24.4 Private rented: Other 76 1.7 2.1 Living rent free 3 0.1 0.1 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Economic activity
Employment status Economically Active
Employment status Economically Active in St. Laurence ward Employment status St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Employee: Part time 1,232 14.4 13.4 Employee: Full time 2,790 32.6 33.5 Self employed 790 9.2 10.0 Unemployed 248 2,9 3.7 Employment status Economically Inactive
Employment status Economically Inactive in St. Laurence ward Employment status St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Retired 2,180 25.5 22.5 Student (including full time students) 311 3.6 3.9 Looking after home or family 449 5.2 5.3 Long term sick or disabled 329 3.8 4.4 Other 236 2.8 3.4 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Occupation
Types of occupation in St. Laurence ward Occupation St. Laurence (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage Managers, directors and senior officials 563 11.7 13.0 Professional occupations 827 17.2 19.1 Associate professional and technical occupations 598 12.4 14.1 Administrative and secretarial occupations 576 12.0 11,1 Skilled trades occupations 589 12.2 9.9 Caring, leisure and other service occupations 451 9.4 9.8 Sales and customer service occupations 401 8.3 7.6 Process, plant and machine operatives 353 7.3 6.1 Elementary occupations 453 9.4 9.3 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Qualifications and students
Types of qualification achieved in St. Laurence ward Qualifications achieved St. Laurences (Persons) Percentage Southend percentage No Qualifications 2,016 22.7 19.7 Level 1 qualifications 1,152 13.5 12.0 Level 2 qualifications 1,381 16.1 15.8 Level 3 qualifications 1,429 16.7 17.3 Level 4 qualifications and above 1,863 21.7 27.2 Other qualifications, including Apprenticeships 795 9.3 8.0 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Car or van availability
Car and van ownership in the household in St. Laurence ward Car and van ownership St. Laurence (Households) Percentage Southend percentage No cars or vans in household 797 17.8 24.6 1 car or van in household 1,899 42.4 44.3 2 cars or vans in household 1,337 29.8 23.5 3 cars or vans in household 447 10.0 7.6 Data sourced from the Office for National Statistics, 2021 Census
- Residents’ perception survey 2021 - key findings