London Southend Airport (JAAP) - Previous rounds (including Schedule of Modifications)
The London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) Submission Document was submitted to the Government for independent examination on 17 December 2013. This document has been prepared by Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council to respond to the challenges and opportunities offered by London Southend Airport and its surrounding area.
In addition to the JAAP Submission Document, the Councils also submitted a number of supporting documents to the Secretary of State. These include the representations submitted during pre-submission consultation, as well as the results of previous community involvement and other evidence.
The Programme Officer for the examination is Kerry Freeman. Any correspondence with regard to the examination should be sent to: Kerry Freeman, Programme Officer, Rochford District Council, South Street, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1BW or
The Secretary of State has appointed Mr David Smith BA(HONS) DMS MRTPI of the Planning Inspectorate to conduct the examination.
Hearing sessions took place on 29 and 30 April and 7 May 2014. Following these hearing sessions, the Inspector provided guidance on the next steps in the examination process (see table below, reference EXJ0030).
The Inspector has issued his interim views on the soundness of the plan (see table below, reference EXJ0031), which includes the modifications required to make the plan sound.
The Councils have considered the Inspector’s interim views and have produced a consolidated list of modifications to the JAAP which are now being consulted on. The proposed modifications, and the Sustainability Appraisal addendum, are available to download below:
- Proposed Schedule of Modifications to JAAP Submission Document
- Sustainability Appraisal of the JAAP - Schedule of Modifications
The consultation runs from 31 July 2013 until 12 noon on 25 September 2014 , and focuses solely on the proposed modifications.
The Councils will pass any comments received during the consultation on to the Programme Officer, however, the Inspector has made it clear that he will only be viewing comments made on the proposed modifications and will not be considering comments on the JAAP Submission Document itself. If you have any questions about this, please contact the Programme Officer. The Inspector will then consider the results of the consultation before finalising his report and recommendation
JAAP Evidence Base
The JAAP Evidence Base documents which were used to prepare the document can be found on the Rochford District Council Website.
Plan Preparation Process
The JAAP has already been through a number of stages of plan preparation and consultation which were:
- JAAP Submission Version which was consulted on between 25 February 2013 and 26 April 2013 and the documents can be found on the Rochford District Council website
- JAAP Preferred Options stage which was consulted on between 16 February 2009 and 15 May 2009
- JAAP Issues and Options stage which was consulted on between 24 June 2008 and 8 August 2008.
How to Comment
In line with e-government policy, we would encourage you to respond to the consultation online via online interactive consultation system.
Responding online is the fastest, most efficient and cost effective method of response.