Reaching out with social networks
We use Twitter/X, Facebook and other social media networks to reach out to our local community. We have thousands of followers, with more joining every day to engage with us.
If you want to join us on social media and be part of the conversation, please visit our main accounts:
Council services/departments Twitter accounts
We have a number of council services on Twitter which can be viewed through our Twitter/X list.
Council services/departments Facebook accounts
- A Better Start Southend
- Biz-on-Sea
- Forward Motion
- Make Southend Sparkle
- Public Health Southend
- Sendiass Southend
- South Essex Homes
- Southend Connextions
- Southend Environmental Health
- Southend Fostering Team
- Southend Libraries
- Southend Local Offer
- Southend Museums
- Southend Parks
- Southend Pier
- Southend Trading Standards
- Visit Southend