Council Tax service standards

Contacting the council tax team by email/online form

Our Citizens Access Council Tax Portal is the best place to raise most council tax queries, with online forms available for all topics related to council tax. For more information about this, please see view your Council Tax account online.

Due to high volumes of contact, it is expected that a reply to your request will be received within 20 working days.

If you have contacted us, please do not contact us again until 20 working days have passed.

Contacting the Council Tax team by phone

Our team will always treat you with respect and consideration when discussing a case with you.

We expect you to provide the same consideration to our team.

If you are not able to communicate appropriately with the team:

  1. A warning will be provided,
  2. If your behaviour continues to be inappropriate, we will terminate the call,
  3. We will not engage with you any further on that day.

If this happens again, we will only communicate with you in writing for any future queries

Request for copy demands

If you would like a copy of your demand, please visit our Citizens Access Council tax portal.

Here you can:

  • view your council tax bills
  • make payments
  • request various exemptions or discounts
  • view your account details, payment dates and notifications
  • access other online services

Authorisation to discuss your account with someone else

We can discuss your account with somebody else on your behalf.

To do this we need verbal authorisation during a call.

However, if you need this to be a longer-term proposal, you must provide us with written confirmation.

This should express both:

  • who you would like to act on your behalf
  • the term of this authority

If no term is provided, we will continue to provide information to your nominated person until we receive conformation that this authority has been cancelled.

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