Tackling Poverty Strategy 2023 to 2026

Engagement and co-design journey

Professional engagement

This year we held a 2-day workshop for 47 partners on the following subjects:

  • food insecurity
  • fuel and housing insecurity
  • financial inclusion
  • skills and jobs

This group of partners were made up of:

  • charities
  • community groups
  • faith organisations
  • public services
  • health professionals

We also launched 2 surveys that received 60 responses.

Residents engagement

We ran an online consultation called "Help shape our new Tackling Poverty Strategy" which received 403 responses.

A further 240 responses were collected through paper surveys and in person during our engagement week.

To engage with the public, we visited local food banks and low-cost food markets.

Co-production journey

We volunteered and took part in a trial process called 'Working Together for Change'

This has helped us to understand what matters most to people experiencing poverty in Southend.

In August 2022, we ran local workshops which were attended by 26 people. Those who attended were from a mix of backgrounds and included people who have experienced poverty.

A further meeting was held in November 2022 to show them the draft strategy and ask for their feedback.

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