Summary of approach
Since the CPC was undertaken in October 2022, the council has experienced significant changes to both the senior officer and political leadership. In this context, the Progress Review has provided an opportunity for the political leadership and Corporate Leadership Team to reflect on the progress made and consider next steps regarding the on-going implementation of the CPC's recommendations.
During the Progress Review, the peer team explored progress and outcomes to-date against the recommendations from the Corporate Peer Challenge and associated action plan. In shaping the future vision and priorities of Southend-on-Sea City Council, the political leadership asked that, in doing this, the peers include a particular focus on the two foundational themes which underpin all of Southend-on Sea-City Council's CPC recommendations:
- governance
- behaviours and culture
2.1 Participants
Progress Reviews usually involve some, not necessarily all, members of the original peer team. This Progress Review at Southend-on-Sea City Council involved the following LGA peers from the original peer team:
- Rob Walsh, Chief Executive, North East Lincolnshire Council
- Councillor Keith Glazier, Leader of East Sussex County Council
- Sarah Clarke, Service Director, Strategy and Governance, West Berkshire Council
- Cindy Lowthian, Peer Challenge Manager, Local Government Association
2.2 The progress review process
The Progress Review was undertaken on-site at Southend-on-Sea City Council. The timetable of activity involved:
- gathering of information and views from more than 15 meetings (including one to one discussions and focus group meetings)
- review of the council's CPC Action Plan and a short position statement - both of these documents outline the progress made against each of the CPC's recommendations
Observation of a meeting of the People Overview and Scrutiny meeting held on the evening of the 6 December 2023.
This report provides a summary of the peer team's findings. In presenting feedback, they have done so as fellow local government officers and councillors.