Crime and anti-social behaviour

Request an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review

The Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), Crime and Policing Act 2014 has introduced anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review as a new measure designed to give victims and communities the ability to demand action by requesting a review of their ASB case.

Residents of Southend-on-Sea City can now request an ASB case review when they feel that the agencies involved such as the Council, the Police or housing provider have not adequately responded to an ASB case reported within the previous six months.

An ASB case review will give victims and communities the right to request a review of their case and bring agencies together to take a joined up problem solving approach to finding a solution.

To qualify for an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review

  • if you have reported anti-social behaviour (ASB) to the Council, the Police or your housing provider 3 or more times in the last 6 months you can request an ASB case review
  • if you have reported hate crime to the Council, the Police or your housing provider just once in the last 6 months you can request an ASB case review
  • the reports you have made about anti-social behaviour or hate crime must have been made within one month of the alleged incident taking place
  • requests for an ASB case review must be made within six months of reports about anti-social behaviour or hate crime being reported to the Council, the Police or your housing provider

How to request an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review

Information you will be asked to provide

The ASB case review request form is very detailed and you will be asked to provide details of:

  • dates when you made a complaint about anti-social behaviour (ASB) or hate crime to the Council, the Police or your housing provider
  • who you reported the incident to
  • incident or reference numbers you have been given
  • plus further information about the incidents reported
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