Worried about a child?
If a child is in immediate danger, you should always ring the police or ambulance services on 999.
For any non-urgent reports to the police contact 101.
For members of the public
If you are not sure whether a child is at risk, you can discuss the circumstances with us or with someone else who works with children, such as a teacher, health visitor or the NSPCC.
If you are concerned that a child is suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm, abuse or neglect, please contact us on 01702 215007 during working hours. Outside of working hours please call 0345 606 1212.
We will listen, assess your concerns, and can take action if a child is at risk.
For professionals
If you are not sure whether a child is at risk you can discuss the circumstances with us or with someone else who works with children, such as a teacher, health visitor or the NSPCC. All professionals who work with children have a responsibility to safeguard them and will know how to help.
To help decide whether to contact us to make a referral, you should refer to Southend's multi-agency threshold document, which can be found on the Southend Safeguarding Partnership website and speak to your agency's safeguarding lead.
To report your concerns to Southend Children's Single Point of Contact Team, you will need to download and complete a request for service form, which can be found on the Southend Safeguarding Partnership website.
Please email the completed Request for Service form to C-SPOC@southend.gov.uk.
If you are reporting concerns relating to neglect, please make sure to attach the Graded Care Profile Tool. If you have not completed the training, please find more information about it on the Southend Safeguarding Partnership website.
If you are concerned about harmful sexualised behaviours, please refer to the Brook Traffic Light Tool to assist with decision making. In the event that you have not accessed the training please find more information about it on the Southend Safeguarding Partnership website.
If you are concerned about child sexual or criminal exploitation, county lines and gangs please refer to our county lines page.
If you would like to discuss whether or not a referral is required, please call the Southend Children's Single Point of Contact Team for a professional consultation. If calling for consultation, please make this clear and do not provide the details of the family.
We want to keep all children and young people in Southend-on-Sea City safe from harm. If you are concerned about that a child is suffering or is at risk of suffering significant harm, abuse or neglect, please contact us. We will listen, assess your concerns, and can take action if a child is at risk.
If you are a professional and concerned about immediate risk to the safety of a child, please make an urgent referral over the phone and speak to a social worker to avoid delay. You can call the Southend Children's Single Point of Contact Team on 01702 215007 during working hours, outside of working hours please call 0345 606 1212.
This will need to be supported by an email with a completed request for service form the same day to C-SPOC@southend.gov.uk.