Record of children with disabilities

It is a legal responsibility for us to hold and maintain a record of children with disabilities in the City.

The Record of Children with Disabilities is for those aged 0 to18 and is purely voluntary. It does not affect the right to assessment and/or services from either health or social care.

Please note that no personal information held on individuals will be shared. However information may be shared with partner organisations for statistical and planning reasons. This information will be used to shape future services for children with disabilities in the area.

By registering your child or young person you will be able to receive news and updates as to what is happening in and around the town.

You are entitled to see the information that is held about you at any given time. There is a charge for this information. Further details can be found on our requesting information page.

There are a couple of ways to register a name on the Record of Children with Disabilities; the easiest is to complete our online form.

Or you can email us at Please make sure you let us know your current address and we will post out to you a paper copy of the form.

You will receive an automatic notification once your application is complete.

Online Forms - Children with Disabilities

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