Southend Crematorium Competition and Markets Authority Report Price Information

Charges from 1st April 2023 to the 31st March 2024

All crematoriums are legally required to publish this Price List for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options and make choices, and to let you compare prices between different crematoriums (because prices can vary).

Attended cremation (cremation/chapel fees only)

This is a funeral where family and friends hold a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person in the crematorium at the same time as the body is committed for cremation.

Crematorium fee: standard weekday attended service for resident - £1000, non resident - £1100

Hours of operation at standard rate 09:40 16:00

Allocated slots: total time allowed arrival to departure; and service slot (minutes) 40 Minutes

Charge for non-adult cremation; and age under which is applicable £ 0.00 18-Years

Crematorium fee: discounted off-peak weekday attended service - not offered

Discounted periods: weekday morning off-peak hours of operation

Discounted periods: weekday afternoon off-peak hours of operation

Allocated slots: total time allowed arrival to departure; and aervice slot (minutes)

Crematorium fee: Saturday attended service (premium-rate) - not offered

Hours of operation

Allocated slots: total time allowed arrival to departure; and service slot (minutes)

Crematorium fee: Sunday attended service (premium-rate) - not offered

Hours of operation

Allocated slots: total time allowed arrival to departure; and service slot (minutes)

Unattended creamtion (cremation fees only

This is a funeral where the cremation takes place without the presence of family and friends. They may have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person elsewhere but cannot attend the crematorium or witness the cremation.

Crematorium fee: (cremation only - excludes any funeral director charges) - resident - £550, non resident £600

Additional fees

Additional time in chapel fee - price per additional slot - must be prebooked £250

Penalty fee for exceeding permitted time and/or late arrival/departure fee £137 (up to 10 mins) / £286 (10 mins + and cancellation with 24 hours of service)

Professional fees relating to the administration and registration of the cremation, in line with statutory requirements.

The use of media system for music before, during and after the service - £0.00

Live and on-demand webcast of service - £45.00 / £70.00

Use of organ and additional organist fee (if required) - £23

Midweek scattering of ashes within crematorium’s garden of remembrance £0.00

Other fees

Provision of bearers (per bearer) - not offered

Chapel-use only (without cremation) - £250

Witnessed scattering of ashes at weekends - not offered

Ashes from elsewhere (3) - £175

(1) Additional fee chargeable for attended cremation if the permitted time is exceeded or for the late arrival and/or departure of the cortege

(2) The Crematorium may provide you with a full list of 'media options' including visual tributes (such as photomontages and video) for in-chapel tributes. They may have contracted with a media provider to deliver these additional services and you may be unable to choose an alternative supplier.

(3) Ashes brought in for scattering from another crematorium.

Southend Crematorium
Sutton Road,
01702 215015

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