Primary request to view CCTV data

Primary requests to view data created by a CCTV system can be made by third parties.

This could be for any one or more of the following purposes:

  • providing evidence in criminal proceedings
  • providing evidence in civil proceedings or tribunals
  • the prevention of crime
  • the investigation and detection of crime (may include identification of offenders)
  • identification of witnesses

Third parties, may include, but are not limited to:

  • police
  • statutory authorities with powers to prosecute (for example, Customs and Excise; Trading Standards, etc)
  • solicitors or car insurance companies
  • claimants in civil proceedings (evidence of proceedings are required from the courts or acting solicitor before any release of footage)
  • accused persons or defendants in criminal proceedings (evidence of proceedings are required from the courts or acting solicitor before any release of footage)
  • other agencies (as agreed by the Data Controller and notified to the Information Commissioner) according to purpose and legal status

The media

The media may get involved if it is decided that the public's assistance is needed to assist in a criminal incident.

This includes help with the identification of any:

  • victims
  • witnesses
  • perpetrators

As part of that decision, the wishes of the victim of an incident will be considered.

In all cases of media releases under this clause, only the police can decide what information to share.

Contact switchboard and out of hours

Telephone: 01702 215000

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