Better Southend

Surface Water and Flooding Strategies

In 2008, Sir Michael Pitt published a report entitled ‘Learning Lessons from the 2007 Floods’. This report outlined the need for changes in the way the UK is adapting to the increased risk of flooding. In response to this, the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (‘the Act’) was implemented.

The Act sets out that Lead Local Flood Authorities ((LLFA) unitary authorities or county councils) have a duty to take the lead in the management of local flood risk in their area for groundwater, surface water runoff and ordinary watercourses. Southend-on-Sea City Council, as a designated LLFA, must ‘develop, maintain and apply a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS)’ which will clarify who is responsible for local flood risk within the City and enable effective partnerships to be formed between relevant Flood Risk Management Authorities (RMAs). Southend-on-Sea City Council has the responsibility for the management of sources of ‘local’ flooding, including:

  • Surface water (pluvial);
  • Groundwater; and,
  • Ordinary Watercourses (fluvial)

Main rivers, the sea, sewers and artificial sources are not considered to be ‘local’ sources of flooding. It is not possible to prevent all forms of flooding; however, over time, Southend-on-Sea City Council will use this LFRMS, and future iterations, to increase our level of understanding of local flood risk posed to the community and to take the lead in effectively implementing measures to manage the risk where appropriate. See related downloads for documents and maps.

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