Animal welfare

Our role with respect to animal welfare issues and animal licensing ensures to promote and enforce the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and in particular Section 9 that places a duty of care on people responsible for animals to ensure they meet the five welfare needs of the animal being cared for which are.

  • need for a suitable environment
  • need for a suitable diet
  • need to be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns
  • need to be housed with or apart from other animals
  • need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury or disease

This responsibility is discharged through the inspection and licensing of the following:

  • dog breeding establishments
  • animal boarding establishments
  • pet shops
  • riding establishments
  • zoo premises
  • performing animals

If you become aware or suspect that an animal is being treated cruelly, please call the RSPCA's cruelty line on 0300 1234 999.

You can also visit their website to find more help and advice about what you can do if you suspect animal cruelty.

Licence application forms and additional information are available on our animal welfare licences pages.

Price guide

For other animal welfare information not related to licencing, please see the following:

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