Civil penalties for housing offences policy

Determination of level of civil penalty to be applied

The statutory guidance details the factors that must be considered when determining the level of civil penalty to be applied. The council has developed a matrix (Appendix 1) from this guidance having considered the following:

  • level of culpability
  • level of harm
  • severity of the offence
  • aggravating factors
  • mitigating factors
  • penalty to be fair and reasonable
  • penalty to be a deterrent and remove the gain derived through the failure to comply
  • landlord's financial circumstances (as appropriate)\
  • financial gain from failure to comply

Determination of the level of civil penalty to be applied will be on a case-by-case basis and have regard to the Environment and Regulatory Services Enforcement policy, local circumstances, and the relevant statutory guidance.

Each of the rows in the matrix considers the factors set out in the guidance. At the end of every row the officer will have to justify the most appropriate score chosen based on evidence in each case. The final total of the scores from each of the 4 rows determines the actual fee to be applied.

Officers using the matrix will at no point be setting the penalty amount themselves as it is calculated by the matrix, dependent on their assessment and scores in each of the 4 rows.

The fee to be applied from the total calculated in the matrix is detailed in this table.

Fee matrix - Use first column for score range across all 4 dimension, move accross for fee.
Score range across all 4 dimensions Fee
1 - 5 £1,000
6 - 10 £1,500
11 - 20 £2,500
21 - 30 £3,500
31 - 40 £5,000
41 - 50 £8,000
51 - 60 £12,000
61 - 70 £16,000
71 - 80 £20,000
81 - 90 £25,000
91 - 100 £30,000

For example: a matrix total of 17 would result in a penalty of £2,500, a score of 55 would result in a penalty of £12,000 etc.

Contact private sector housing

Telephone: 01702 215000

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