Trees for removal

Our Arboricultural Officers carry out scheduled and ad hoc inspections of all of our street trees. All inspections consider:

  • the individual tree
  • its condition
  • whether any maintenance work is necessary to maintain the tree in a suitable condition for its location.

Sometimes we have to remove trees. This is usually because the tree is dead, diseased or dangerous.

This page shows the details on tree removals within Southend, including the location and species of the tree and why it was removed. This page does not include tree removals for planning purposes.

When a tree is removed, we record the location to make sure that the tree cover within the town is maintained and extended in line with our policy.

The exact location for the replanting is constrained by any existing underground/overhead services, continued presence of tree roots/old stumps/soil pathogens (a pathogen is a bacterium, micro organism or virus that can cause disease), maintaining safe sight lines etc. To view our replanting programme please visit our Tree Planting page.


Trees for removal in the Belfairs ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
09 June 2023 24 Arterial Road (opposite) Hornbeam The crown of the tree is becoming thin. It is approximately 50% thinner than could be expected when compared to a tree with normal vitality of the same species. The tree is in decline and unlikely to improve.
03 August 39 Danesleigh Gardens (adjacent to) Cherry The tree is almost dead.
23 June 2023 32 Eastwood Road North Hornbeam A significant section of the crown is dead or dying.
10 October 2023 70 Eastwood Road North (opposite) Hornbeam The centre of the crown is dead, the remainder of the crown is in decline.
10 October 2023 220 Eastwood Road North Cherry A large proportion of the crown is dead.
10 October 2023 222 Eastwood Road North Cherry The tree has multiple Ganoderma brackets at the base. This is a fungus which decays wood. The stem has decay present.
04 October 2022 311 Elmsleigh Drive Malus The tree is dead.
09 June 2023 Lamp column 39 (adjacent to) Hornbeam The crown of the tree is approximately 80% dead.
09 June 2023 Lamp column 43-44 (between) Birch One side of the crown is almost dead.
09 June 2023 Lamp column 65-66 (between) Birch The tree is dead.
02 October 2023 9 The Fairway Manchurian cherry A large proportion of the crown is dead.

Blenheim Park

Trees for removal in the Blenhiem Park ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
02 October 2023 85 Blenheim Chase (opposite on the central reservation) Norway Maple The tree is dead.
07 May 2024 234 Bridgewater Drive (side of) Cockspur thorn A large proportion of the crown is dead.
11 January 2023 Lindisfarne Avenue (central island junction with London Road) Weeping Ash There are multiple fruiting bodies of the fungus Inonotus hispidius present on the limbs and main stem of the tree.
This is a fungus which decays the wood and can lead to structural failure.
01 September 2023 606 Prince Avenue Beech This tree is nearly dead due to the presence of the decay causing fungus Meripilus giganteus. This fungus attacks the major roots around the base of the trunk and can lead to unpredictable failure. For this reason the tree has to be removed on health and safety grounds.
07 May 2024 6 Treecot Drive (outside) Cockspur thorn The crown is dead.
07 May 2024 10 Treecot Drive (outside) Cockspur thorn The crown is dead.
07 May 2024 14 Treecot Drive (outside) Cockspur thorn The crown is dead.
07 May 2024 25 Treecot Drive (outside) Silver leaf maple A significant proportion of the crown is dead or dying back. There is also an area of surface decay at the stem base.
07 May 2024 87 Treecot Drive (outside) Cockspur thorn The crown is dead.
07 May 2024 93 Treecot Drive (adjacent to) Cockspur thorn The crown is mostly dead.


Trees for removal in the Chalkwell ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
25 September 2023 16 Ailsa Road Lime Extensive root growth under the pavement and residents drive causing a danger to pedestrians and rendering the drive unpassable by cars. Having met with highways, there is no engineering solution to the problem.
28 November 2022 57 Chadwick Road Silver Maple Excessive structural decay to the trunk base. This tree has a lean over the highway and as such removal is required for safety reasons.
24 November 2022 Crowstone Rd (junction with Britannia Road) Prunus species Dieback in all major branches in canopy. Reduced size, lack of vigour, root decay.
24 November 2022 56 Crowstone Road Sorbus species Lack of vigour, vast damage to lower bark, internal basal rot, movement of rootplate.
24 November 2022 Crowstone Road (adjacent to number 80) Prunus species Lack of vigour, reduced size, growth suppressed by overarching oak tree.
21 May 2024 43 Fernleigh Drive Prunus The crown of the tree is thinning with dead wood and dieback in the upper crown.
29 May 2024 65 Fernleigh Drive Clerodendrum The tree is dead.
22 May 2024 First Avenue (rear of 35 Crowstone Avenue) Rowan A significant proportion of the crown is dead or dying.
22 May 2024 First Avenue (outside number 36) Rowan A significant proportion of the crown is dead or dying.
22 May 2024 Galton Road (outside number 40) Rowan The tree is swamped by ivy and has little live crown remaining.
22 May 2024 Galton Road (outside number 51) Rowan The tree is dead.
22 May 2024 Galton Road (outside number 55) Ornamental crab The majority of the crown is dead.
24 November 2022 Imperial Avenue (rear of 2 Chadwick Road) Norway Maple Root damage on South side, significant dead branch and limbs in canopy.
16 November 2022 Kings Road (O/S Congregational Church) Norway Maple Bark damage to lower stem, girdling roots, lack of vigour.
16 November 2022 Kings Road (Side of 63) Hawthorn Tree leans over pavement causing potential hazard to pedestrians.
06 July 2023 38 The Ridgeway Ornamental Crab The tree has been colonised by Inonotus hispidus. This is a fungus which decays wood and can lead to failure.
3 June 2024 51 Rockleigh Avenue Cherry Ganoderma is present. This is a fungus which causes wood decay. The stem of the tree is decayed.
3 June 2024 43 Rockleigh Avenue (Opposite) Cherry Ganoderma is present. This is a fungus which causes wood decay. The stem of the tree is decayed.
3 June 2024 22 Sunningdale Avenue Lime The tree has advanced stem decay which has been confirmed by drilling with a decay evaluation drill.
3 June 2024 28 Sunningdale Avenue Lime Dead
3 June 2024 Adjacent to Park House Sunningdale Avenue Lime The tree has basal decay and a cavity at the base.

Eastwood Park

Trees for removal in the Eastwood Park ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
01 August 2022 63 Dering Crescent Tree of Heaven The tree is causing direct damage to the footpath and is suckering through the footpath.
7 June 2024 14 Eastwood Park Drive Cherry The tree has severe basal damage.
7 June 2024 16 Eastwood Park Drive Cherry The tree has a split in the stem and severe bark damage.
19 January 2024 55 Green Lane Hornbeam The tree is in poor physiological condition with low vitality. The tree is in irreversible decline.
19 January 2024 57 Green Lane Crab Apple The tree has severe basal bark damage.
13 May 2024 Rayleigh Road (outside Tesco filling station) Cherry The tree has Ganoderma (a fungus which can cause wood decay and structural failure).


Trees for removal in the Kursal ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
15 May 2024 The path between Hartington Road and Ash Walk Cherry The tree has died.


Trees for removal in the Leigh ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
10 October 2022 4 Cliffsea Grove Malus Ganododerma and Inonotus decay fungi are present. The crown of the tree is also dying back.
1 July 2024 40 Dundonald Drive Cherry The whole of the crown is dead.
1 July 2024 58 Dundonald Drive Whitebeam The tree has a very thin crown and low vigour.
1 July 2024 78 Dundonald Drive Whitebeam The tree has a very thin crown with dieback. There are also cankers present.
1 July 2024 90 Dundonald Drive Pear The tree has Ganoderma which is a fungus which can cause wood decay. The tree also has low vigour.
1 July 2024 Dundonald Drive (side of 846 London Road) Whitebeam The whole of the crown has been broken out.
1 July 2024 45 Ronald Hill Grove Lime The tree has been colonised by Ganoderma. This is a fungus which can lead to wood decay. The stem of this tree is decayed and has been confirmed by resistance drilling.
1 July 2024 Ronald Hill Grove (side of Westleigh School) Lime The tree has deadwood and dieback in the crown.
07 February 2023 136 Southsea Avenue (opposite) River Birch Significant roots are present above the level of the existing public footpath between the kerb and path surface. It is not viable prune the roots to retain the tree to carry out sufficient footway repair .


Trees for removal in the Milton ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
20 December 2022 Canewdon Road - Outside St. Bernard's High School - adjacent to side entrance London Plane Excessive structural decay to the trunk base and roots.
28 June 2022 Canewdon Rd (j/w Valkyrie Rd) Norway Maple There is extensive decay throughout the stem and very low vigour in the crown.
9 February 2024 19 Park Crescent London Plane Tree has caused subsidence damage to a property. Unfortunately this means that a decision has been made to remove the tree to stop this progressive damage, allow the property to recover and then be repaired.
08 November 2022 50 Park Road London Plane The tree was noted to have decay causing fungus attached to the base of the trunk. The tree has been assessed for the presence of decay and unfortunately this was confirmed. This tree needs to be removed on health and safety grounds.
08/04/2024 Scratton Road, outside number 22 London Plane

Extensive root growth under the pavement and residents drive causing persistent damage to property and danger to pedestrians. The extent of root removal necessary to re-engineer the surface would render a tree of this size unsafe.

Therefore the option is to remove the tree.
15 May 2024 Westcliff Parade (opposite St John's Court) Cherry The tree has died.


Trees for removal in the Prittlewell ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
26 May 2022 12 Hobleythick Lane Red Oak Significant decay is present at the base of the trunk. Remains of old wood decaying fungus are present. To be removed on health and safety grounds.
16 May 2024 25 Hobleythick Lane Cherry The tree has died.
26 May 2022 104 Hobleythick Lane Purple Leaf Plum Wood decaying fungus at the base of the trunk and also in the crown. To be removed on health and safety grounds.
26 May 2022 105 Hobleythick Lane Purple Leaf Plum Ganoderma wood decaying fungus bracket at the base of the trunk. Significant decay present at the base. To be removed on health and safety grounds.
01 September 2023 148 Prince Avenue Cherry This small cherry tree has died and now needs to be removed.
22 February 2023 34 Rochester Drive Hornbeam The roots of the tree are lifting the adjacent private vehicle crossing and needs to be removed so that a new PVX and new public footway surface can be laid as part of the new footways programme.
05 December 2023 262 Southbourne Grove Horse Chestnut This tree has been monitored since 2018 when it was noted that it had a bacterial wetwood infection and a small cavity at the bae of the trunk. Since then the health of the tree has deteriorated with the cavity increasing and the crown now dying back significantly. For these reasons the tree now must be removed in health and safety grounds.


Trees for removal in the Shoeburyness ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
13 September 2022 Churchfields (adj 16) Hawthorn The tree is dead.
9 November 2022 Gunners Road (opposite 95/97) Flowering Cherry (Prunus) The tree is dead.


Trees for removal in the Southchurch ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
5 March 2024 39 Ashurst Avenue River Birch There have been several attempts to repair footway damage caused by roots. The tree is lifting the front path, damaging the gate pillars of number 39 making the gate unusable and the path unsafe.
9 October 2023 Branscombe Walk adjacent to 72 Broadclyst Gardens 2 x Purple Leaf Plums and 1 Irish Yew Requested by insurance to mitigate damage to the property.
12 June 2023 197 Newington Avenue (o/s) Elm The tree is in terminal decline.
5 March 2024 Petworth Gardens, s/o 56 Ashurst Ave Cherry The tree is in terminal decline with large areas of dead in the crown. Retention is no longer viable.
25 October 2022 208 Shoebury Road Manna Ash (Fraxinus ornus) This tree is in terminal decline. Dieback throughout the crown, with stunted pale foliage and necrotic bark around the stem and base of the tree. The condition will not improve and the tree will continue to decline.

St Laurence

Trees for removal in the St Laurence ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
01 September 2023 31 Dolphins Cherry Decay at the base of tree and severe dieback of the crown.
06 February 16 Mayflower Close (adjacent to) (centre tree of the group) Maple The tree is in poor physiological condition. A significant proportion of the crown is dead or dying.
01 September 2023 Prince Avenue, rear of 11, 16 and 18 Dolphins 3x Fastigiate Beech tree These three beech trees are all in poor condition. Two have decay causing fungus associated with them at the base and one has severe dieback of the crown with large dead limbs. For these reasons the trees need to be removed on health and safety grounds.
01 September 2023 583 Prince Avenue Beech This tree is infected with the decay causing fungus Meripilus giganteus. Superficially the tree looks fine but it this fungus attacks the major roots around the base of the trunk and can lead to unpredictable failure. For this reason the tree has to be removed on health and safety grounds.
01 September 2023 635 Prince Avenue Beech This small tree has died recently and now needs to be removed.
4 November 2022 Wells Avenue (opposite 2) Sorbus This tree was due to be felled as most of the crown had died. However it is suspected that the crown of the tree was hit by a high-sided vehicle which broke off some of the dead branches so we had to arrange for an emergency removal of the tree The stump only remains for grinding.

St Lukes

Trees for removal in the St Lukes ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
30 November 2023 6 Beaufort Street Crab Apple Storm damage in crown and Stem decay.
30 November 2023 27 Beaufort Street Hop Hornbeam (Ostroya Carpinifolia) Dead.
27 June 2022 36 Lovelace Avenue Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) Tree roots have damaged private driveway. Previous attempts at mitigation/prevention of further damage have failed. The tree is also in very poor condition, with decay in the crown structure and low vigour.
21 November 2023 38 Seaforth Ave Hawthorne (Crataegus Spp) The tree is dead.
21 November 2023 68 Seaforth Ave Hawthorne (Crataegus Spp) The tree is dead.


Trees for removal in the Thorpe ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
20 February 2024 Maplin Way, Rear of 155 Johnstone Rd Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)

Persistent damage to the highway and adjacent property.

A large area of the crown has died back and the overall health of the tree is in decline.
27 December 2023 48 Marlborough Road Staked tree Dead
27 December 2023 Marlborough Rd, s/o 293 Woodgrange Drive Crab Apple (Malus Spp.) Dead
18 May 2023 Marlborough Road s/o 164 Ambleside Drive Caucasian Maple (Acer cappadocicum) There is significant decay in the base of the tree on the east side. Suckering is damaging the highway and adjacent property.
12 June 2023 226/228 Shaftesbury Avenue (o/s) Silver Birch (Betula pendula) The tree has caused damage to adjacent property, its condition is not good and it is too old and large to withstand further root severance to install a root barrier. There is not enough space for a direct replacement, however a replacement tree will be planted elsewhere in Shaftesbury Avenue.
26 February 2024 173 Shaftesbury Ave Sorbus The tree is mostly dead and will not recover.
26 February 2024 181 Shaftesbury Ave Silver Birch Tree is in decline, being in very poor condition with stem damage, significant dieback in the crown.


Trees for removal in the Victoria ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
29 May 2024 14 Chestnut Grove Horse chestnut The tree is dead.
01 September 2022 409 Sutton Road Horse Chestnut The tree has been assessed and an area of advanced decay caused by an active fungus has been identified at the base of the trunk on the roadside. This decay has weakened the strength of the trunk to a point where it is necessary to remove the tree on health and safety grounds.

West Leigh

Trees for removal in the West Leigh ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
01 July 2024 Outside 55 Cottesmore Gardens Ornamental Crab The tree has been colonised by Ganoderma which is a decay fungus
01 July 2024 Outside 48 Cottesmore Gardens Ornamental Crab The tree has been colonised with Ganoderma.
01 July 2024 Outside 52 Cottesmore Gardens Ornamental Crab The tree has basal decay nd leans across the footpath.
01 July 2024 Outside 54 Cottesmore Gardens Manchurian Cherry A large section of the crown is dead or dying. The tree also has bark damage.
01 July 2024 Outside 62 Cottesmore Gardens Ornamental Crab The tree has basal decay.
09 June 2023 9 Canvey Road Cherry Crown is approximately 80% dead. Decay in northern limb.
09 June 2023 10 Canvey Road Cherry The tree is dead.
25 July 2022 11 Canvey Road (adjacent to) Cherry The whole of the crown is dead.
09 June 2023 19 Canvey Road Cherry A large proportion of the crown is dead. If the crown was pruned to live wood and the tree retained it would be aesthetically poor.
09 June 2023 29 Canvey Road Ornamental Crab There is extensive twig dieback in the crown. The crown has sparse foliage, the tree appears to be in physiologically poor condition.
09 June 2023 30 Canvey Road Cherry Large proportion of the crown is dead or dying back. Growth is generally weak. Decay at crown break.
24 August 2022 23 Dynevor Gardens in Western Road (side of) Cockspur Thorn A large proportion of the crown is dead or dying.
20 December 2023 2 Hamboro Gardens Cherry The tree has Ganoderma (a fungus which can cause wood decay) and does have decay in the base of the stem. The extent of decay has been confirmed by drilling with the appropriate equipment.
06 October 2023 1388 London Road (outside health centre) Norway Maple There is decay in the lower stem. There is also dead wood in the crown.
26 January 2023 North Shoebury Road (r/o 18 Swallowcliffe) 2x Lombardy Poplar The roots are causing substantial damage to the adjacent property. Removal of the offending roots will result in heavy root suckering and the tree potentially destabilising. I will look at this area for more suitable tree planting for the next planting season.
25 July 2022 2 Ray Walk Cherry A significant proportion of the crown is dead, the remainder of the crown is in decline
16 January 2024 Underwood Square - towards centre of grassed area Hawthorn The tree is dead
16 January 2024 Underwood Square - towards north of grassed area Hawthorn The tree is dead
16 January 2024 Opposite 20 Underwood Square Lime Basal decay
16 January 2024 Opposite 18 Underwood Square Lime Basal decay
15 May 2024 30 Thames Drive Rowan Approximately 50% of the crown is dead or dying.
9 March 2023 26 Vardon Drive Norway Maple There are significant roots present within the front garden of the property. The roots are too large to prune to remove the trespass without significantly affecting the health of the tree or rendering it unstable. There is also damage to the public footpath and garden wall.


Trees for removal in the Westborough ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
22 April 2024 38 Beedell Avenue Birch Large roots restricting footway width. Roots disrupting the bitmac footway surfacing. Cavity in the main trunk at 4m. Bark damage from vehicles strikes on kerbside.
22 April 2024 88 Beedell Avenue Birch Large roots disrupting bitmac footway surface. Roots lifting surface water gulley and causing damage to adjacent property. Trunk leans towards the road.
22 April 2024 131 Beedell Avenue Birch History of wounds from vehicle strikes on trunk. Very sparse crown indicated poor health. Dead branches in the crown. Surface roots disrupting footway surface.
22 April 2024 137 Beedell Avenue Birch Very sparse crown indicated poor health. Dead wood in the crown. Tree is in decline and in poor condition.
22 April 2024 138 Beedell Avenue Cherry Very large surface roots that are pushing out kerbstones. Significant footway disruption from roots.

West Shoebury

Trees for removal in the West Shoebury ward. Use the first column to find the date of notice, move along for location, species and finally the reason for removal
Date of notice Location Species Reason for Removal
26 June 2023 Caulfield Road (opposite the church) Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Tree is deteriorating, crown is dying back.
26 June 2023 Caulfield Road (o/s Church) Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Basal decay.
26 June 2023 Caulfield Road (j/w Blythe Ave) Cherry (Prunus Kanzan) Significant decay in the stem and butt, large quantity of major deadwood in the crown.
26 June 2023 39 Caulfield Road (opposite) Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Basal decay.
26 June 2023 43 Caulfield Road Silver Birch (Betula pendula) Exploration of the roots to be carried out to see if this tree can be saved. If it has to be removed, it will be a last resort.
26 June 2023 146 Caulfield Road Purple Leaf Plum (Prunus cerasifera) Exploration of the roots to be carried out to see if this tree can be saved. If it has to be removed, it will be a last resort.
26 June 2023 161 Caulfield Road Whitebeam (Sorbus aria) The tree is dead.
26 June 2023 166 Caulfield Road Purple leaf plum (Prunus cerasifera) Basal decay and die-back in the crown.
05 July 2024 10 Fitzwarren Hawthorn The tree is dead.
16 October 2023 23 Pentland Ave Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) Severe decay in structural crown.
16 October 2023 26 Pentland Ave Norway Maple (Acer platanoides) Severe decay in structural crown.
30 November 2023 Adj to rear fence of 31 Sedgemoor Cherry (Prunus Spp.) Self-set tree, established directly under/adjacent to fenceline, is now lifting fence and has become unsuitable for this position. Replacement tree planting is planned in the immediate area, utilities allowing.
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