Core Strategy (DPD 1)

Core Strategy (DPD 1) - current stage

DPD 1 - Core Strategy adoption

The Core Strategy forms part of the Southend on Sea Local Development Framework and provides the vision, objectives and overarching planning policies and strategy for the spatial development of the whole City of Southend-on-Sea until 2021, including the distribution of growth and the policy context for a 10 year housing supply.

It also sets out the key policies against which all planning applications will be assessed, and our core policies on matters such as transport, retail, employment, open space, minerals and the protection and enhancement of the natural and historic environment, including conservation areas.

The Core Strategy is supplemented at the local level by saved policies from the 1994 City Local Plan. These will, however, be replaced by other Development Plan Documents in the pipeline including the Development Management DPD and the Southend Central Area Action Plan.

Current status

The Core Strategy was formerly adopted by full Council on 13th December 2007 and is made up of the following documents:

Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD1)

Core Strategy Key Diagram

Core Strategy Adoption Statement

Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal

Next steps

The Core Strategy will be reviewed in due course to ensure that the policies are up to date and conform to the national planning policies contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Further details for the timetable for this process can be found in the Local Development Scheme

Evidence base

The evidence base used to prepare the Core Strategy is available to be viewed.

Plan preparation process

The Core Strategy was adopted after undergoing a number of different plan preparation and consultation stages which were

Core Strategy Inspectors Report which is dated 4th October 2007 see attached word document

Core Strategy Submission Document which is dated 31st August 2006 see attached word document

Core Strategy Preferred Options Document which was consulted on between 27th July 2005 and 16th September 2005 see attached word document

Core Strategy Issues and Options Document which was consulted on between 20th January 2005 and 16th March 2005 see attached word document

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